Hey yall,

I believe that God wants to share some things with us that will draw us closer to Him in ways unimaginable! But first, I want you to take a moment to assess your heart right now. Try to silence the noise around you and ask yourself this: Am I passionate about my walk with the Lord? Do I still get excited and stand in awe at His word? Do I have a heart of wonder to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven? Does my zeal for God outweigh my zeal for the pleasures of this world or materialism?

I pray you were able to truly ask yourself and answer honestly! Heart checks are vital in correcting our alignment with the Father if misaligned and they are also vital in us maintaining our alignment if we are already aligned!

Now if you answered these questions and feel that you are completely passionate, zealous and in wonder of the things of God, this newsletter is for you! And if you answered these questions and feel like you aren’t, this newsletter is still for you!

These three qualities mentioned aren’t characteristics that will remain with us permanently like our skin color, height or our various features. They are qualities that must be kept by being intentional in fueling its flames.

Passion, wonder and zeal are so crucial in keeping our walk and prayer life with God alive and my prayer is that we will learn how to keep it alive. These 3 qualities all boil down to this; having an intense desire, a great energy and standing in awe of something! This is how God intends for our heart’s posture to be. He wants to see the Body of Christ passionate of the things that glorify Him. He longs to reveal the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven to those who stay in wonder (Matthew 13:11). His heart beats for those that are zealous after His heart! These are the people that God seeks after. Those who say “I’m so hungry for you that I want nothing more than your presence!”

A lot of us have once experienced this feeling but somehow along the way it died out. The flame you once had died down slowly without you even realizing! Can I tell you that this is not the will of the Lord?! In Romans 12:11 ESV it says: “Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.” It is clear that God requires us to move in zeal and passion. It’s our fervent prayer lives that leads to effectual prayers (James 5:16). It’s our zeal and passion that will lead us to chase after God’s heart!

But here’s the thing, 1 Peter 5:8 commands us to stay alert for the enemy prowls around like a lion seeking for someone to devour. While many of us are not alert in maintaining our passion, wonder and zeal, the enemy is prowling and devouring it from us. He sends things our way to frustrate us and burn out our flame!

But here’s the good news! THE ENEMY CANNOT DEVOUR WHAT YOU GUARD! HALLELUJAH! As long as we are alert and protect our level of passion, wonder and zeal, no matter what we encounter, we’ll always stay at the feet of Jesus! When we protect our passion to seek God’s face, there’s nothing that the enemy can throw at us to take us off course!

So I charge you today to protect and guard your passion. Protect and guard your zeal. Protect and guard your wonder. You do this by seeking the Lord’s face daily through prayer, intercession, fasting and worship. Connect with other believers and pray. Fill your words with things that glorify God. Surrender your all and live a consecrated life. Be comfortable with not fitting in with the world. Ask the Lord to reveal the mysteries of Heaven to you and to increase your passion for Him.

When you master the art of protecting your passion, wonder and zeal, you will always be near to Our God!


Lord, I lift up every person reading this newsletter right now! I pray that it charges them all to maintain and/or renew their level of passion, wonder and zeal for the Kingdom of Heaven! I pray that you would ignite a flame in them that would never die out as they are intentional in keeping it ablaze. I thank you for them and bless them. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

Love you all to pieces! Until next time…